Exalted Ruler Letter for August 2013

It was my honor and privilege to represent our Lodge at the 2013 National Convention in Reno! Grace and I did return with a couple of dollars left! We met many wonderful Elks and I learned a great deal about Elkdom country-wide! The voting of resolutions took place on Tuesday of the Convention. The results and how I voted are posted in the Lounge for your review. One of the big topics of the Convention was Community Relations. We have grants available to us for helping out in the community. Please let us know if there is a particular project or organization that you believe would benefit from our assistance. This helps the organization or project that needs it and also helps to promote our Lodge!

July was a fun and busy month for our Lodge! Thanks to the Pool Committee and the Ladies Auxiliary for their contributions to make July 4th another fun event! Also I want to thank everyone that helped out with the Camp Carefree breakfast as we were able to collect over $300 to contribute to this wonderful cause.

I would like to extend a special thank you to Ed Roberson for coordinating the cookout for the School Resource Officers in Charlotte. Ed and volunteers Donnie Miller, Drew Albertson, and Tyler Hendrix fed over 300 officers barbeque for the 20th year!

I hope that everyone enjoyed Membership Appreciation Day with food and entertainment on July 13th. I would like to congratulate the Swim Team for a great season. I am sure they enjoyed the pool party on the 20th!

There are many great events planned for August. Please go to the website to see what events you would like to attend! Also, be on the lookout for the postcard that the House Committee sends in the mail that shows the events as well.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Fraternally yours,
Andy Albertson
Exalted Ruler