Veteran’s Cookout – 05/10

Wednesday, May 10th

The High Point Elks Lodge will once again be traveling to Salisbury, NC for our annual Spring Cookout for the Veterans at the VA Hospital. We are always looking for volunteers to help with this very rewarding event. If you able to help please contact the Lodge office and we will be happy to sign you up! We will be meeting at the Lodge at 10am on the day of the cookout and will return later in the afternoon.



Thank you 2017 volunteers!

On May 10th Members from the High Point Elks Lodge went to the VA Medical Center in Salisbury to cook for the VA Spring Fling. We grilled 320 burgers and 240 hot dogs, serving approximately 400 Veterans and hospital staff. Everyone had a great time and our participation is always greatly appreciated. THANK YOU to our Members who participated: Tommy Frazier, Chuck Minear, Bob Gold and Phil Driscoll.