Exalted Ruler Letter for January 2013

I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and got to enjoy some time off with your family. December was a busy month at the Lodge. We had our annual Open House and members Christmas party. We also hosted two state of the Lodge meetings. If you could not attend these meetings you missed hearing about the changes in our Lodge operations.

We are now operating the Lodge as a volunteer Lodge. In our Lounge, we have volunteer bartenders. Our House Committee is doing a great job in keeping the Lounge open for our members. Check our website for current operating hours. In our office, Shari Driscoll and Beth Hawks are being more than generous with their time to keep the office running. Please be patient when calling the office and leave messages on the voice mail.

These are just a few of the changes that were outlined during our meetings. We are always looking for input from our members on how to more efficiently run our Lodge.

Our Per TV Raffle has been an important source of funds. We had a great Summer Fun(d) night. The Lounge was full of members and their families and we raised a good portion of our goal. Tickets can still be turned in and you don’t need to be a member to buy tickets. Please work on selling your tickets and returning them to the office. This is an easy way to support the Lodge with all proceeds going directly to the Lodge.

Your Officers and Committee Members are working hard to keep your Lodge open. Make sure you thank them when you see them at the Lodge. With the changes we have implemented, the Lodge will remain open and be stronger financially going forward.

Stay active and participate!

Fraternally yours,
Scott Webster
Exalted Ruler