Exalted Ruler Letter for December 2018

December is here and we have many events planned at the Lodge.

November provided us with yet another successful Chili Cook-Off. The weather was beautiful and the event was well attended. Thanks to all of our participants and congrats to all the winners!

Our Antlers group has been very busy during the month of November making 58 lap blankets to take to the Veterans Home in Salisbury. Thanks to all who helped make this project become a reality.

We have some important events planned for December. On the first Sunday, we will hold our annual Memorial Service for those members who have passed during the year. All members and guest are welcome to attend.

The big question I have been hearing is – When do we begin steak night again? Well, wait no longer because it starts Friday December the 7th. Please call the Lodge for reservations because it’s filling up fast.

A quick note to keep everyone up to date on our plumbing issues. The Board of Directors and PER’s have contracted with a plumbing company and the repairs have begun.

Please keep an eye out for our E-Blast that will keep you up to date on that is happening this month at your Lodge.

Congratulations to Stewart McGlaughlin for being named our November Elk of the Month.

I look forward to seeing you at the Lodge!

Fraternally yours,
Tommy Frazier
Exalted Ruler