Exalted Ruler Letter for February 2019

January is in the books and we enjoyed another fun month at the Lodge. From NFL playoff games, PER steak night and another great evening with Name That Tune Trivia which is always a blast.

Now is the time to talk to your friends, neighbors and folks on Social Media about joining our Lodge. Pool season will be here before you know it and there may very well be friends and neighbors who would enjoy a summer at one of the largest pools in the Triad. We have alot to offer families such as our wonderful swim team and a great family atmosphere.

On February 13th, nominations will be accepted at our monthly meeting. If you have someone in mind who would like to serve the Lodge in a leadership capacity this is the meeting to attend. Please remember all Members are welcome at our meetings so bring your signed membership card for admission.

The House Committee is actively planning more events for February and March.  Please visit our website or subscribe to our e-blast for a complete list of our Upcoming Events.

Upcoming Events – hpelks.com/upcoming
E-blast Sign Up – hpelks.com/subscribe

Congratulations to Daz for being named our January Elk of the Month.

I look forward to seeing you at the Lodge!

Fraternally yours,
Tommy Frazier
Exalted Ruler